MaxForce FC roach bait gel 5Box/Case

MaxForce FC roach bait gel 5Box/Case


Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Gel is a professional-grade insecticide designed to effectively control various cockroach species, including German, American, Brown-banded, Smoky brown, and Oriental cockroaches. Packaged in a 1.06-ounce (30-gram) syringe, it allows for precise application in both residential and commercial settings.


Key Features:

Attribute Details
Product Name Maxforce FC Roach Bait Gel Syringe
Weight 1.06 oz
Form Gel
Target Pests Roaches (including German, American, and other common species)
Active Ingredient Fipronil (0.05%)
EPA Registration Number EPA # 432-1259
Applications Used to control cockroach infestations by applying small beads of gel in cracks and crevices
Features Highly effective on cockroaches, particularly German cockroaches, easy-to-apply syringe, long-lasting residual control
Usage Apply small beads of gel directly into cracks, crevices, and other places where roaches are active. Reapply as necessary
Packaging 1.06 oz syringe
Safety Keep out of reach of children and pets. Follow label instructions for safe handling and application. Wear gloves when applying

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