CimeXa Insecticide Powder 5lbs

CimeXa Insecticide Powder 5lbs


CimeXa Insecticide Powder is a professional-grade, silica-based insecticide designed to eliminate a wide range of crawling insects effectively. Its lightweight formula adheres to surfaces, ensuring extended residual control. Safe for use in various environments, it is odorless, non-staining, and ideal for treating infestations in cracks, crevices, and voids.

Product Features

Active Ingredient Silicon dioxide 92.1%
Target pests Ants, Crazy Ants, Cockroaches, Firebrats, Silverfish, Spiders, Mites, Bed Bugs, Lice, Fleas, Ticks, Stored Product/Pantry/Fabric/Clothes Beetles and Moths and Drywood Termites
* Kills Bed Bug Adults and Nymphs
* Kills Bed Bug Nymphs Hatched from Dusted Eggs
* Kills Pyrethroid-Resistant Bed Bugs
For use in Residential & Commercial: Industrial, Municipal, Agricultural, Daycare, Health Care, Educational, Recreational, Office Buildings, Hotels, Garages, Vehicles, Warehouses, Theaters, Food Handling and Food Processing Plants
Application Apply 2 oz. per 100 sq. ft. (In Attics & Crawlspaces apply 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft.)
Use Handheld Bellows, Bulb or Puffer Bottle type duster to apply a light, visible film (A power duster may also be used)
Liquid Application: Used as a Spray, Mix 1 lb. per 1 gallon of water (1 qt of solution per 250 sq ft.)
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Yield 2 oz. per 100 square feet for most applications
Lasts for 10 years in undisturbed areas
Formulation Professional Product
Special Features Non-staining, Odorless, Fast Control, Lasts up to 10 years when undisturbed
Manufacturer Rockwell Labs (Mfg. Number: CXID032)
EPA Registration 73079-12


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