Advance Termite Bait Station Replacement Lid (Each)

Advance Termite Bait Station Replacement Lid (Each)


This replacement cap or lid is designed for use with the Terminix Bait System, ensuring secure sealing and optimal functionality. It serves as an essential component for maintaining the system’s efficiency and durability, making it a practical solution for replacements or upgrades.

Product Name Advance Termite Bait Station Replacement Lid
Target Pests Subterranean Termites
For Use In Residential, Commercial, Industrial Areas
Application Insert into existing Advance Termite Bait Stations
Pet Safe Yes, if used as directed
Formulation Professional Bait Cartridge
EPA Registration 499-370
Manufacturer BASF
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    Steri_Fab 1Pint Each
    1 X $30.00 = $30.00
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