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Mosquito Dunks B.T.I.Briquettes* 20 Dunks/card

Mosquito Dunks B.T.I.Briquettes* 20 Dunks/card


Mosquito Dunks, also known as B.T.I. Briquettes, are a biological mosquito control product designed to target mosquito larvae in standing water. Each dunk contains the active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.T.I.), a bacterium lethal to mosquito larvae but harmless to humans, pets, fish, and other wildlife.

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Product Features:

Active Ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis Strain BMP 144 solids, spores and insecticidal toxins 10.31%
Target pests Mosquitoes and Psychodid Flies, and their larvae
For use in bird baths, old automobile tires, rain barrels, abandoned or unused swimming pools (particularly above ground types), tree holes, roof gutters for collecting rainwater, flower pots, animal watering troughs, elevator shafts, basements that flood, sump pumps and any drainage areas within buildings
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Yield 1 briquet treats up to 100 sq ft of water
Manufacturer Summit Chemical (Mfg. Number: 13821)
EPA Registration 6218-47



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